Whitley Parish Council 2024/25

Meeting Dates- Tuesdays at 7.00 p.m.
Whitley & Eggborough Primary School, Learning Lane, Whitley DN14 0WE  


                              July             16th         AGENDA
                              September  17th
                              October       15th
                              November   19th 


                              January       14th
                              February      25th
                              March          18th
                              April             22nd
                              May              20th          Annual Meeting 

Any issues or comments that any member of the public wish to be mentioned during the public forum should be brought to the attention of the Clerk to the Council prior to the meeting.

John Hunter - Parish Clerk    07764 404885          email: clerk4whitleypc@gmail.com

Come along and get involved.    It’s your village, have your say. 


Minutes 2024*

Jan Feb Mar April May Jun

  *minutes are draft until ratified at the following meeting

Minutes 2023 

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov

Minutes 2022

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Sept Oct Nov

Minutes 2021 

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jun Jul Sept Oct Nov

Minutes 2020

Jan Feb Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov Dec

Minutes 2019

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Sept Oct Nov

Minutes 2018

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Sep Oct Nov

Minutes 2017

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Sept Oct Nov

Minutes 2016

 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jul Sep Oct Nov

Minutes 2015

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov

Minutes 2014

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov

Minutes 2013

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov 

    For minutes of previous years meetings CONTACT the Parish Council clerk


Chairman's Annual Report

2022 2023

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021