Yorkshire Country Womens Association

Whitley Historical Society

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Brownies and Girl Guides

Line Dancing

Coffee Morning

Whitley Wolves JFC

Under 5's Pre-school


Welcome to our Coffee Morning Drop-in Club

Forget about those tasks and chores for a couple of hours and come along for a nice cup of tea/coffee with a biscuit or two and enjoy chatting about all sorts of things and putting the world to rights.

Don't be put off by the fact that we hold our club in the local church at Whitley, the surroundings are tranquil and the atmosphere is happy and entertaining.

Coffee mornings are held on the LAST Friday of every month, starting at 10:30am.

The more people that come along, the merrier the group and topics discussed. Young mums with children are welcome, often the children get spoilt!